Ponte Nuovo Symposium
Bridging Experience to a New Generation
A personal initiative designed to bring young adults together with experienced professionals whose work involves global politics, government, and human rights. The goal of Ponte Nuovo is to tap into the Florentine community and gain an intimate understanding of current issues directly from experienced professionals.
Former Prime Minister of Canada
Nobel Peace Prize Nominee
US Consul General
Director of Politico-Military Affairs
EUI Professor Department of Law
Director Medici Archive Project
Chief UNICEF - Child Rights and Protection
Kim Campbell
Joeseph Shevel
Ragini Gupta
Rohit Nepal
Gábor Halmai
Alessio Assonitis
Ramya Subrahmanian
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Past and Upcoming Events
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Director of The Medici Archive Project
It was an honor to be invited to Mr. Alessio Assonitis's office and speak with him about the Medici Archive Project and the Medici themselves. We discussed the history of the Archive as well as the Medici's relationship with the world.
Professor - Department of Law
We were glad Dr. Gábor Hamlai could provide such a thought-provoking and eye-opening conversation about the Hungarian Elections being held in April of this year. Dr. Halmai provided a brief history of Hungary and clearly explained what to look for in the coming months.
U.S. Consul General - Florence, Italy
We were extremely grateful to be presented with the opportunity to speak with Council General Ragini Gupta at the U.S. Consulate in Florence. We discussed her exciting life moving every two to four years and the responsibility she holds as a representative of the United States of America.
Former Prime Minister of Canada
It was an honor for a small group of young adults to speak to Kim Campbell to discuss her political career and women in politics. She explained her inspiration to becoming involved in change and her journey to Prime Minister. Her final advice was to "take responsibility for the world."
Founder Galilee Institute, Nobel Prize Nominee
We were thrilled to welcome Dr. Joseph "Yossie" Shevel to discuss his experiences negotiating the peace settlement between Ethiopia and Eritrea. In addition, we had a chance to talk about water and its 90% re-use rate in Israel as compared to other nations.
Chief UNICEF Office of Research - Child Rights and Protection
We loved visiting Ramya Subrahmanian's office at UNICEF to discuss the organization's goals and actions and Dr. Subrahmanian's role within it. We had an interesting debate regarding ethics where not everyone agreed, but all were able to share their point of view.
US Embassy Rome Politico-Military Affairs
Having Rohit Nepal as our first guest was an honor. We were able to discuss the very relevant evacuation of US troops from Afghanistan to Italy, which Mr. Nepal oversaw. We discussed the factors taken into consideration and the final execution. Also very recently had been the G20 meeting in Rome. Mr. Nepal recounted his experience organzing Mr. Biden's trip and some fun facts he learned about the President.